Welcome To The Pakt Romanova

"And all the fill'd with pangs of hunger eanlings gathered, eating all of the shepherd's limbs."

Beginning Of The Pact

The pact traces it's roots all the way back to 1926, some years after the revolution ended and the Regime was brought down and few noble families that survived gathered together in secrecy.

Over the fear and hate that they were brought to such a state, the survivors chose to carry on their magical legacy no matter the cost, even if that meant allowing Lesser to Non Magic users into their bloodlines accordingly. On top of that allowing non-nobles and visiting families to collaborate with any study, project, and of course repopulating.

The new Pact was named after the Romanovs, the last pure Noble Family known to the survivors as a sign of what they once were and what they aspire to come back to one day. The Pact grew with time and it's rules changed, shifted, and adapted to what it is now. Handled by 3 outstanding families that root all the way to the Pact's beginnings and even when most were formed by a desperate move of survival, the now considered official Russian Federation for Magic Affairs earned it's place stability and order within the country.

The pact counts with allies, materials, faculties and headquarters with the three leading heads with a symbolic animal for each: Bear, Owl, Wolf.
Each one handles it's respective part within the Pact's norms and of course tend to their own objectives on top of it all.

The Arkadi

The Arkadi that chose to be symbolized by a Bear, are in charge of all research and affairs within Russia. Things like experiments, Rituals, and safekeeping relics all fall within Arkadi Juristiction. Their objective is not fully focused on reaching The Root however, and it's head: Maksim Arkadi, keeps any true intentions for himself.

Maksim being the "Middle Man" from the three heads, has proven to be a box of mysteries, but like any organization results say everything. And the Arkadi have managed to keep the entire land on check with their regulations and advances on Magecraft and Mystic Code creation. He isn't to be taken lightly of course, after all an entire country's worth of Magic Cases and discoveries prospers because of him

The Arseni

The Arseni that chose the symbol of the Owl. Knowledge and studies are all their department, and the most impressive achievement that earned them such spot is of course the School Of Magecraft Arseni, a place where any and all Russian or admitted students learn everything about Magic and it's uses. Accompanied with a variety of teachers, textbooks, and support for each student's area of expertise and the like. With the school director and of course head of the Owl: Martin Arseni.

Being the eldest of the three heads, Martin is seen by everyone as the retainer of Order across the Pact. He is powerful yet all of that strength lies solely on his vast knowledge and leadership. All forms of research into The Root and hopes to reach it are entrusted onto him and his school, of course calling him The brain of the Pakt Romanova isn't far from the truth

The Zinoviya

The Zinoviya represented by the symbol of a Mighty Wolf. They are in charge for worldwide relations and keep the entire Pact safe, be it by force or negotiations. Calling them "The Muscle" of the pact isn't far off yet it's not a term anyone within the pact would love to use. The Zinoviya are unique: Not to learn and not to find, yet to protect and hunt. The head of the Wolf and youngest member of the three, as well as the most recent Head: Kira Zinoviya.

Young, yet ruthless and a devastating force of might, Kira became the epitome of Iron Fist the moment she rose up to the Wolf's Throne and earned the title "Atlas". Even if she isn't part of any of the research faculties she's just as smart as the other two heads, with unquestioned leadership and Magic simple yet perfectioned to unreachable heights. And of course wearer of a Gaia Ring carried across the family for generations, the main pact Headquarters are thanks to such ring. Kira is in charge of keeping everything undesired out, everything welcome in, and any issue that requires the pact to take action out of Russia fall on her shoulders alone.

Clock TowerNeutral
Juristiction On JapanCompletely Allowed

The Pact owns many faculties and buildings, yet the main location for it's headquarters is Yekaterinburg, right under the church built over Casa Ipátiev . A series of advanced underground halls and tunnels carefully built in such a way the fact it's underground is forgotten by many a large part of the time.

It was made thanks to Ring of Gaia and the lost Kazimir family. The exact way it was made is known only by the three heads but such mystery is not to worry for. After all the New Casa has been reinforced and upgraded many times until modern times and even then it has a stable management.